FromThe News Of The World:
The FA were last night furious after David Beckham cynically exploited the England shirt for personal gain.
The England captain was pictured on his recent money-making personal tour of the Far East brazenly wearing the shirt with a Castrol logo emblazoned across the front.
Their logo was blocked out in the publicity stunt along with the famous Three Lions badge.
Umbro chief Martin Protheroe said: "This should never have happened. Our crest has been taken off and our England jersey has been emblazoned with a commercial logo that just should not be there.
"We have already contacted Paul Barber at the FA about this to express our concerns.
"He has promised to deal with this situation and we are pleased to hear that he is heading an investigation into how this could have happened.
"We are now happy to let the FA deal with this matter."
He added: "The England shirt is sacrosanct and will never be used for commercial deals."
Meanwhile Castrol's Simon Elliott admitted that he could not offer an explanation for why the oil company had tried to cash in on the England shirt in such a controversial way.
He said: "I will be contacting our people in the Far East as soon as possible to try and find out what has happened here.
"But right now I can't offer you any explanation at all."
Lest not forget though that DB is still a United player and faces a gruelling medical on Wednesday. The medical itself is alleged to start at the crack of dawn and his signing is to be timed for 12:30 to maximise coverage in Asia. the Screws say that 520 journos and 40 TV stations from 25 different countries have been accredited for the event.