Last updated : 08 September 2005 By editor

…is Rome crumbling?

Mihir Bose in Telegraph:

‘The row between Fifa and the World Anti-Doping Agency over doping sanctions has intensified. World football's bosses have written a toughly-worded letter to Wada explaining why they cannot sign up to their code for drug cheats.

‘Fifa have been threatened with expulsion from the Olympics if they do not sign and the situation could have a devastating effect on the Football Association. The FA follow Fifa's line on doping and sports minister Richard Caborn has confirmed that if the situation is not resolved the Government may stop its £20 million a year grant to the FA because it is committed not to giving grants to sports that have not signed up to the Wada code.

‘The dispute between Fifa and Wada centres on the two-year ban for a first offence the agency impose on any drug cheat. Fifa have always argued against such a blanket ban, insisting instead that there should be individual case management with each drug offender judged on the merits of the case.

‘Wada had hoped Fifa would make the necessary amendments to their disciplinary code at their congress in Marrakesh next Monday. In May Richard Pound, chairman of Wada, made it clear that Fifa had until the congress to come into line or risk being thrown out of the Olympics.

‘The problem has been festering for two years, with several ideas mooted. So far none has solved the problem. This one will not go away easily.’