Last updated : 24 March 2005 By editor

A hunt for Malcolm Glazer and his son Joel began yesterday as Shareholders United, the Manchester United fans' group, claimed one or both men had flown into Britain. The claim was denied categorically by sources at NM Rothschild, the Glazers' City advisers, but created a storm of interest on Manchester United fans' websites.

‘Shareholders United itself offered a reward of £100 of United shares to the first of its members to find Joel Glazer, who is seen as the public face of the family's probable bid for the club. Under a picture of Joel, the website announced: "Wanted: if you see this man, don't go near him . . . report him to the nearest group of Manchester United fans."

‘Nick Towle, the chairman of Shareholders United, said the groups' intentions were entirely peaceful. "If we can find his hotel, we will go round there with flags to protest. That is all we want to do."

‘If the Glazers have arrived, they have conducted an elaborate ruse to mislead the media. All indications have been that no discussions with United's board would take place until after Easter. Even then the initial contact was thought likely to be between Rothschild and Cazenove, United's City advisers.’