Money raised to repair Marcus Rashford mural to be donated to food bank charity

Just when you thought Marcus Rashford couldn't possibly go up in your estimations anymore, he's gone and done it again.

The England and Manchester United forward's quest to ensure underprivileged children are fed has been well documented in recent times, with a mural in his honour subsequently unveiled near his former home town of Withington.

While the majority of the British public can appreciate that a noble quest such as that is far more important than a game of football, unfortunately an idiotic few cannot.

The aforementioned mural was vandalised following Rashford's penalty miss in the final of Euro 2020 against Italy, with local residents immediately covering the vandalism with messages of love and support for the Three Lions star.

A funding page was set up in the wake of the incident with £40,000 raised to ensure the mural was fully repaired.

Naturally the money raised will far exceed the amount needed to repair the artwork, and Rashford himself has now taken to social media to request the remainder of the money be donated to a local food bank charity.

The funds will be given to Fare Share Greater Manchester, a charity that aims to distribute food to schools, charities, community groups and vulnerable people throughout Greater Manchester.

After the mural was defaced with swearwords on the night of England's Euro 2020 final defeat, police claimed the vandalism was not racially motivated, while their search to find those responsible for the act are ongoing.

Thousands of well-wishers took to the streets to support Rashford | Alex Livesey - Danehouse/Getty Images

Regardless of the mindless idiots' intentions, the money raised by those who donated to the funding page will now be used to help feed underprivileged people in the Greater Manchester.

The word 'hero' is bandied about a fair bit in football these days, but if one footballer is worthy of the title it's undoubtedly Marcus Rashford.

Source : 90min