Last updated : 15 February 2005 By editor

‘I'm becoming increasingly impressed with Gary Neville's honesty. How right he was to Stand Up and Speak Up about the dodgy and unnecessary corporate takeover of campaigns against issues like racism. Nike's specially-designed, black-and-white, collector's-item kit (with matching wrist-band) that Holland wore on Wednesday cheapens a noble cause.

‘What Neville was questioning is why that cause needs any corporate involvement at all. For this campaign to work it has to come purely from the players themselves. Unlike pop stars who badger their agents to get them on the Live Aid single, these footballers aren't getting involved in anti-racism issues out of self-promotion. They make statements, wear arm-bands, hold up banners because they've heard the abuse aimed at their mates and it genuinely disgusts and hurts them.

‘Why do they need the Nike logo to flag up their heartfelt commitment? When multinational sportswear companies (who would be better advised to address the wages they pay in Third World sweat-shops) get involved in moral campaigns they do so for one reason. To boost their brand approval. Neville was spot on. So come on Nike. Just Do One.’