Last updated : 28 March 2006 By Ed


"There are those who claim to know the truth, as if there were such a thing as absolute truth. I believe everyone has their own truth, and that there are no absolutes. Should one be happy with one's own truth, or exchange ideas with others, even at the risk of losing one's own truth or being enriched (not in the material sense) by the other's truth? No one possesses the absolute truth, not even me.

"Of course, it is possible to exist without reading. But even without considering essays, novels, short stories, poetry, biographies, magazines, broadsheet or tabloid newspapers, is it not necessary, for the sake of one's own independence, to be able to read in order to understand official letters and fill in forms correctly?"

"If someone wanted to read in a different way, whether out of curiosity or because of being blind, they could also read Braille. Whatever the method of reading, it promotes intellectual and emotional independence . . . And if one is independent, one is better placed to help others to develop their intellectual and emotional or other potential."